Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?
London skylineThe audience would be expected to know about genres similar to the one that the film is. A psychological thriller is the genre of the media product we created therefore the audience are expected to have watched shows and movies such as Criminal Minds where they would have picked up knowledge on certain issued of psychological murderers as the main character is. The Dustbin Baby is a film that the audience may have possibly watched as it also shows the difficulties that a girl bought up in an urban area and has had a rough upbringing faces. They should have basic understanding on how people with an abnormal psychological state would think, types of crimes they would commit and also what kind of problems they could have possible faced that led them to the state they are in. The drugs in the cabinet that the boy retrieves along with the perfectly laid out gloves beside it foreshadows the types of problems that are yet to come and also allow the audience to assume what kind of problems this boy has as what he is doing or what he is about to do is not normal.
There are different themes that run through the media product that we created.
·         Death being one of them, death itself is something that would normally be expected to be shown in a thriller. The drug and gloves that the main character has collected enable the audience to come to the conclusion that the character is about to go and do something that could possibly be as bad as death to someone. 
·          Isolation and loneliness is another theme that is in the film. The pan of the long shot of buildings then leading to a medium shot of trees is something that was used to create the effect of isolation. It shows that this is all that surrounds the residents of this run down area; this run down site is something that surrounds them. The fact that the boy returns home and he is alone allows the audience to gain an insight to the loneliness of this character. “Orphan” is a film that offers the theme of isolation as it shows a girl/woman who has struggled with isolation as she has constantly been an orphan but then also offers the theme of internal madness as later in the film the audience become aware that she is not a normal young orphan.
·         Internal madness and psychological issues is another. The main character is someone is obviously does not have the normal mind set of those within a normal, calm society.
·         Mystery and secrecy is also another theme. The audience are not aware as to who and why this boy is doing what he is, they are not aware as to why this boy has stacked drugs within his cabinet and why he has gloves laid out so perfectly directly next to these drugs. This makes them wonder.
·         Corruption as shown through the run down area that is shown at the beginning of the opening.  “White House Down” being an example of a film that the targeted audience may have watched before as it also contains this theme as it shows the corruption of the American Government and bases its action around it.
·         Trust is another theme as shown when the boy rejected the private number that he received on his journey out the house.
All of these different themes that the film has to offer are what helps attract the targeted audience. They are able to take these different themes and not only try to figure out what and why things are happening throughout the film but are also able to relate to what is happening. They may know someone or they themselves may have been through something similar to the main character of the film which would make them feel like they in a sense are connected to the main character which attracts them to the film in general.

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