List of 30 shots for opening sequence

List of 30 shots:

·         Pan of all the blocks on the estate, establishing shot (production company presents…and logo)-credit sliding in from the left

·         High angle shot, tilt down of one specific block

·         (camera starts off tilted up) Tilt down whilst pan of a block in the distance from the playground in the school (starring actor, Bradley Wallace-Prince)-credit sliding in from above/diagonal

·         Still long shot of a park, swing swinging by itself

·         Tilt down to the ground of the park(music by Ashleigh Archer)-credit already on the floor when camera reaches it

·         Fade into black blank screen (Screenplay Savvy Chadha)-credits dissolve onto blank screen

·         High angle shot of floor, tilt up to gate, gate opens and in the entrance (costume/makeup Kim Stewart and Alec Taylor)-credits slide down

·         Fast paced track onto the court (in the goal, director Rose Wilson/editor Bernard Kavinauge)-credits already in the football goal when the camera reaches it

·         Extreme close up of one particular square in the gate, the audience can see through this and can make out the boy walking in the distance

·         Camera moves as though from the boy who is walking point of view (walking to the pharmacy)

·         Tilt up of pharmacy from a low angle (showing the audience where exactly he is going)

·         Long shot of entire pharmacy, inside

·         Camera tracks towards specific isle showing all of the products available

·         Tracking shot of different products, at eye level with the products as though from this boy’s point of view (medicines etc.)

·          Close up of the boy choosing the specific medicine

·         (again in the boy`s point of view) tracking of the boy walking to the till

·         Pause (camera tilts down showing the boy reaching for his phone in his pocket)

·         Zoom into a close up showing the boys phone in his hand, allowing the audience to see that he is receiving a call. Boy declines call and puts the phone back into his pocket

·         Continuation of tracking shot on route to the till

·         Medium shot of both the man at the till and boys hands making the transaction

·         Long shot of him turning around to exit the pharmacy

·         Pan showing him walk out

·         Long shot showing his back out of the exit

·         Closer long shot of his back as he looks out in the distance (title of the film, “feel no pain”)-title dissolves onto screen

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